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we don’t care what you think
我们不在意你怎么想  detail>>
what do you care what other people think
你管别人怎么想  detail>>
this is exactly what we think
这正是我们的想法  detail>>
what we think
我们的观念  detail>>
don′t you think
你不认为  detail>>
and care for what we have
爱护我们所  detail>>
don’t you care
你不在乎吗  detail>>
that‘s what you think
那才是你脑子里想的  detail>>
what do you think
你认为呢 你认为怎样 你怎么认为  detail>>
what do you think of it
你觉得怎么样 你看咋样 你认为怎样 您怎么认为  detail>>
but i don’t think you understand
但是,我想你不懂得 但我想也许你并不明白 但这全看你了 可我想你根本不知  detail>>
dreadful weather don’t you think
天气可真差劲你说呢  detail>>
i don t think you are right
我认为你是不对的  detail>>
you don`t have to think twice
你不必再去考虑第二次  detail>>
what we think, how we feel
我们的想法,我们的感受  detail>>
i wonder what you think of this
足下以为如何  detail>>
what do you think about it
你对此怎么看 有何高见  detail>>
what do you think about that
你认为怎么样  detail>>